Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments for fertility and pregnancy

Vera Deale is a practitioner at Alma Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Kilcolgan. Ms Deale has found that acupuncture is an effective means of treating many underlying gynaecological conditions in preparation for pregnancy. It helps in relieving stress and tension in addition to creating hormonal balance.

She has many years’ experience as a nurse and midwife. She is also a founder member of the Zita West Network in Ireland which specialises in reproductive health. This network facilitates the sharing of knowledge and expertise with other members in Ireland and the United Kingdom. It also provides an opportunity to keep up to date with new developments in fertility treatment.

Since it has gained popularity in the West much research has been carried out on the effects of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine on fertility, and it has been shown to improve fertility rates for both male and female. Acupuncture has demonstrated an increase in the quantity, quality, and motility of sperm, and it revitalises the female reproductive system. When used in conjunction with IVF and other fertility programmes it has been proven to dramatically improve the success rate.

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy acupuncture can help to maintain the pregnancy. This is recommended for women undergoing IVF treatment, or where there is a history of unexplained miscarriage. Acupuncture is also beneficial in relieving nausea and other ailments that arise during the course of the pregnancy. In the case of breech presentation or other malpositions, moxa treatment, which is a gentle form of heat application to the acupuncture point, is a safe method of correcting the position of the foetus.

Acupuncture has also been proven very effective in preparation for labour. Since the introduction of acupuncture during the last four weeks of pregnancy in New Zealand midwifery records have demonstrated a marked reduction in caesarean sections and forceps intervention. If labour is overdue acupuncture is a safe and relatively more comfortable means of inducing labour.

Alma Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine provides treatment for an extensive range of conditions. Further information is available at

Vera Deale can be contacted by telephone on 091 485703 /087 2280206 or by email at


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