Charity flash fiction competition

THIS IS A Story... is a new flash fiction competition to raise funds for the Galway Rape Crisis Centre and entries can be submitted now.

Flash fiction is the shortest style of short story possible, such as the famous six-word Ernest Hemingway story: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” This is a Story... invites entries of original, unpublished work, of up to 500 words, regardless of theme. Writers may enter more than one story.

The competition judge is Mike McCormack, who was awarded the 1996 Rooney Prize for Literature while 2006’s Notes From A Coma was shortlisted for the Irish Novel of the Year Award.

Entry fee is €5 (or three entries at €10 ) with all proceeds to the GRCC. The deadline is January 14 and first prize is €500. For more information contact 085 - 2462959 or email


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