Celebrating our citizens who make a difference

Eleven winners will take centre stage at the 2013 Rehab Galway People of the Year Awards.

Representing groups and individuals in business, charity, education, and entertainment, the winners will be presented with their awards at a gala black tie event in the Galway Bay Hotel on Friday November 1.

The Rehab Galway People of the Year Awards have grown in prestige since their inception in 1995 and they are now widely recognised as one of the highest accolades a person can receive in the county. They give public recognition to people who, through their personal leadership, participation, courage or achievement, have made an outstanding contribution to their community.

All the award winners have been chosen by the people of Galway through a nomination process and finalised by an independent adjudication committee.

Ollie Robinson, the awards organiser, said all the winners had done their county and their community proud at home and abroad. “People who bring joy and light to the lives of others, people who have shown true strength in the face of adversity, those who have supported others in their darkest hour.

“Some are well known, others are in the spotlight for the first time, but all have one thing in common,” he said. “ They are all ordinary people who have worked incredibly hard to enrich the lives of others.”

Individuals, groups, clubs, and organisations wishing to attend and support the winners can book tables for the event which is now one of the highlights of the Galway charity social calender

For more information on the banquet and presentation, or to book a table or individual tickets contact Rehab Care Galway 091-756653 or phone or text Ollie Robinson 087-2437009 or email ollie2robinson @gmail .com


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