British Ambassador to address Galway business community

The British Ambassador to Ireland, Dominick Chilcott, will be the guest speaker at next week’s Autumn Business Lunch hosted by the Galway Chamber of Commerce.

Ambassador Chilcott will discuss the business relationship between Ireland and Britain, as well as the findings of the recent joint Irish and British governments’ economic master plan designed to deepen integration between the two countries.

“We believe that the range of proposals outlined, in which Dublin and London would collaborate, including joint Irish and UK trade missions, boosting electrical interconnection and a common tourist visa for both countries, is of significant interest to businesses in Galway,” he says.

The Ambassador will also attend a business to business matchmaking event for British and Irish businesses organised by the Enterprise Europe Network based in the Galway Chamber. The network advisors from Ireland and Britain involved in the event will also attend the networking lunch.

The lunch will be held in the Westwood Hotel, Dangan on Tuesday October 8 at 12.30pm.

For further information contact Elaine 091 563536 or email


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