Galway Executive Skillnet (GES ) is hosting three events over the coming weeks. Managing Finance is the first of these events on Oct. 2 with Susan Hayes, the positive economist. Ms Hayes is an experienced financial trainer and entrepreneur and shares her knowledge with others in a practical and easily implementable format. Finance is the lifeblood of every business. However, sometimes SMEs find themselves trying to organise chaos coming up to accounting deadlines, suffering lumpy cashflow situations and feeling at the mercy of the bank account balance.
This half day free event will cover three critical key performance indicators to measure your financial health. It will also cover three ways to grow your top line, Three ways to increase your bottom line, three strategies to manage cashflow optimally, three systems to put financial management on autopilot, as well as finding external funding sources and dealing with banks. Pre-booking is essential for this event which will take place in the Pillo Hotel from 9.30 – 1pm.
Start an Online Business.
If you have ever wondered how you would start an online business, then 8 October is a date for your diary. GES is hosting an event from 5pm – 7pm in Galway Technology Centre, Mervue, which will give you the fundamental information to get started. The overview will focus on online business trends, business plans, sources of funding, online selling, intellectual property, enterprise support and an overview of some etools. Anyone considering bringing their business online (either new or existing ) should attend this event. Extended mentoring is available free of charge from Westbic for suitable candidates. This is an event not to be missed if you are considering establishing an online business.
Jobs Plus
The third free event is in conjunction with Department of Social protection (DSP ). On Oct 10, in Pillo Hotel, from 5pm – 7pm, staff from DSP will outline the new Enterprise initiative, Jobs Plus, showing how employers can benefit by getting paid to employ those who are currently on the live register. Following the presentation they will be on hand to answer any questions you have in relation to this new initiative.
Pre booking is essential for attendance at these events. Book your free place by contacting Adele O Meallaigh at or 085 7491564. For all upcoming events including Lean techniques for your business, role of safety rep, and managing food waste check out the website
GES is funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnets Ltd funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.