People want results

Our most recent WIN Session presented facilitator – James Martin, a personal development specialist and digital business mentor. At this WIN workshop James provided a great insight into coaching and the wonderful career opportunities that flow from it. As an international trainer with Anthony Robbins (global personal and business growth expert ) James has been immeresed in the coaching and training business for the past fourteen years. Through his company TeamLife Training he has trained hundreds of individuals in Ireland in the core foundational coaching skills gaining the nationally recognised FETAC Level 6 certification.

Nobody wants coaching – They want RESULTS

Life coaching in its broadest sense is dead – when something appeals to everybody, it actually appeals to nobody. Nobody wants coaching – they want solutions and they want results. Coaching has dramatically moved on from the ‘generalist under-appreciated, underpaid’ service to the renowned specialist – to the laser-focused professional strategist and niched expert, who get highly paid doing what they love. These new well positioned experts include the ‘Internet Startup Coach’, the ‘Twelve-week Transformational Weight Loss’ specialist, the ‘Career Crafting Mentor’, the ‘Great Parenting Coach’, the ‘Coach for High-Achievers’, The “Mindset Coach for Sports Professionals, ‘The Leadership Specialist’ etc. If you want to make rapid progress in a certain area of your life, career or business, why not consider reaching out to a renowned authority in that field – someone who has expert knowledge in that specific area. Choose an EXPERT who not only is a great mentor but also a great intuitive coach who supports YOU in a way that YOU want to be supported to get YOU to where YOU want to go.

Benefits of Coaching

A great coach connects, listens and understands you – this alone is profound. The biggest feedback I get is that ‘I wish I had learned these skills years ago as they are so beneficial in everyday life’. Coaching empowers you, builds your confidence and certainty and helps you become an even better communicator with your kids, your family, your work colleagues and ultimately with yourself. The coaching process offers clarity, purpose and focus so that the client can get clear on what’s most important for them. Ultimately coaching offers the possibility of you getting the most from life and creating a career and life you love.


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