Mumps cases in west increase fourteen fold

A major increase in the number of mumps cases in the west has resulted in the HSE West advising teenagers and young adults to ensure that they have had two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella ) vaccine to avoid contracting the infection. The number of reported mumps cases in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon rocketed from 18 last year to 258 by mid December this year.

Dr Jennifer Martin, public health doctor with HSE West said since the beginning of 2008 there has been a “large increase” in the number of mumps cases notified to the health authority in the three western counties.

“Some 258 cases were reported by mid December this year - this compares with 18 cases reported last year. Most cases are teenagers and young adults (15-24 year age group ) with smaller numbers occurring among younger and older people. We are also getting reports of an increase in cases in colleges, universities, secondary schools as well as in the general community.”

She says it is important to remember that mumps is preventable. After two doses of the MMR vaccine 98 per cent of people are fully protected against the infection.

“The majority of mumps cases in the west of Ireland have occurred in young adults who have received none or only one dose of MMR. This may be because there were changes in the immunisation schedule for the MMR between its introduction in 1988 and the current schedule for MMR which began in 1999. The lower incidence of mumps in younger children is because most of these children have received two doses of MMR. Older adults are more likely to be immune to mumps as a result of infection when they were children.”

The best way to prevent mumps for those who are not immune is by getting two doses of the MMR vaccine, explains Dr Martin.

“In the current childhood immunisation schedule MMR is given to children at 12 to 15 months of age and at four to five years of age. Children who are older than five and teenagers and young adults who have not already received two doses of the vaccine (from their GP and through the school programme ) should be vaccinated by contacting their GP.”

She advises people who are uncertain what vaccines they had in childhood to contact their GP or local community health centre who may have this information.

“However, anyone who is not sure about their vaccination status needs to get another dose to be sure that they are covered. The vaccine is free from GPs.”

Mumps is an acute viral illness which causes fever, headache and painful swollen glands, most commonly, the parotid glands, which are located in the cheeks, explains a spokesperson for the HSE West.

“Symptoms are usually mild but can cause discomfort and include swollen cheeks or jaw, fever, headache and a general feeling of being unwell. In the large majority of cases patients recover in approximately five days and there are no ongoing problems. In a small number of cases, mumps can have more serious consequences and can cause inflammation of the testicles, ovaries or pancreas and in some cases lead to viral meningitis or deafness.

“The mumps virus is spread from person to person by coughs and sneezes. It can also be transmitted through kissing and other direct contact with saliva. Usually close contact with a case is needed for transmission to take place. Anyone who has mumps should stay at home for seven to 10 days from the onset of swollen glands. People should drink plenty of fluids and contact their GP if they are concerned about their symptoms.”


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