USI and NUIG Students’ Union launches guide to student life

Thousands of guides are to be distributed to students across Ireland to help them manage their money effectively, know their rights and settle into college life.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI ) launched a new Guide to Student Life at NUI Galway on Tuesday, with support from the PRTB (Private Residential Tenancies Board ).

This comprehensive guide that can fit in your back pocket is a useful resource for students and gives great tips and advice on student life. The guide covers accommodation advice, money management, personal safety, and settling into college. Easy-to-use budget sheets and rent book logs are included, enabling students to keep weekly or monthly budgets that will help monitor their income and expenditure and keep a record of rent paid.

The Guide to Student Life will be available for download from the USI website and will be part of USI’s annual Freshers’ Pack in member colleges from September, including NUIG.

USI deputy president and VP for welfare Denise McCarthy said: “We are delighted to be launching the Guide to Student Life. This guide is an invaluable resource for students, especially first year students moving away from home for the first time. For all students, whether they are leaving home or not, they will see changes in their spending habits and they may need new financial products and services. This guide tells you what to look out for, the questions to ask, how to avoid getting into unmanageable debt and where to go if things go wrong.

Sean Kearns, NUIG Students’ Union president, said: “Students introduction to college should be exciting and fun-filled for the first few weeks. But it is also a very busy and potentially expensive time for students. This guide gives you simple tips, informs you of your rights, and will make those first few weeks a little easier. I encourage all students to pop into the SU in NUIG and check it out for yourself. From first years all the way postgraduates. We were delighted to be launching the guide here in NUIG, and remember we’re always available for any help and advice you may need.“

For more information contact USI communications and research executive Grainne O’Reilly on 087-6776636, or 01-9052100.


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