Ron Houchin, Kernan Andrews, and Art Stringer for August Over The Edge: Open Reading

The first ‘Over The Edge: Open Reading’ after the summer break takes place in Galway City Library on Thursday August 29, from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. The featured readers on the night are Art Stringer, Ron Houchin, and Kernan Andrews. There will, as usual, be an open mic after the featured readers have finished. The evening will also see the announcement of the long list for this year’s Over The Edge New Writer of The Year competition, which received a very healthy number of entries again this year.

Kernan Andrews is from Galway and is the arts editor and political correspondent of the Galway Advertiser. He writes short stories in his spare time and has been published in The Galway Review. He has read his work at Cúirt 2013; as part of the launch for NUI Galway's theatre events in the Galway Fringe Festival 2013; and at numerous Over The Edge open mics.

Art Stringer is the author of three collections of poetry, Channel Markers (Wesleyan University Press ), Human Costume (Salmon Poetry ) and, most recently, Late Breaking, which was published in February by Salmon Poetry. His work has appeared in such journals as The Nation, Antaeus, The Ohio Review, Denver Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Poetry Northwest, and in Backcountry: Contemporary Writing in West Virginia. He has also edited and introduced an edition of Louise McNeill’s Paradox Hill (West Virginia University Press ). He taught writing and literature at Marshall University for 24 years.

Ron Houchin was born in San Diego, California, and raised from the age of three in Huntington, West Virginia. He comes from a family of factory workers, coal miners, and farmers who have always lived in Appalachia. For 30 years he taught in an Ohio public school in the southernmost tip of the state. His most recent books are The Quiet Jars, a new and selected poetry collection, published last spring by Salmon Publishing, and a short story collection, Tales Out Of School, published in December from Wind Publications of Kentucky. Louisiana State University Press will publish a new volume of his poems, The Man Who Saws Us In Half, this autumn in its Southern Messenger Series. Ron lives in a haunted house, built by the grandson of an ex-slave, on the banks of the Ohio River.

New readers are always most welcome for the open mic after the featured readers have finished. The MC for the evening will be Susan Millar DuMars. For further details phone (087 ) 6431748.


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