NUI Galway hosts conference on marine research

NUI Galway’s Socio Economic Marine Research Unit will hold its fourth annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Symposium on Tuesday August 27.

The symposium will focus on valuing the ocean and coastal economies, maritime transport, the valuation of water resources and ecosystem services.

Dr Stephen Hynes, director of SEMRU, NUI Galway, said: “The symposium is a great opportunity for researchers and policy makers in the area of marine socio-economics to get together to meet and discuss their ongoing work.”

Speakers at the symposium include: Dr Maria Feo, University of Jaume I in Spain, who will give a presentation on maritime freight transport models; Captain Raja Maitra, Howth Fishery Harbour and Dublin Institute of Technology, will give an overview of port policy in Ireland; and Dr Ana Corina Miller, Trinity College Dublin, who will present her work on employment effects of seafood production growth targets.

There will also be an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ) sponsored session where Dr Cathal Buckley of Teagasc, and Dr Craig Bullock, University College Dublin, will present their work on water resources projects in Ireland. The symposium will also include presentations by researchers involved in the Beaufort Award.

The Beaufort Award is carried out under the Sea Change Strategy and the Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation (2006-2013 ), with the support of the Marine Institute, funded under the Marine Research Sub-Programme of the National Development Plan 2007–2013.

Places for this free symposium are limited and registration is necessary. To register, visit by Friday August 23 at 5pm. For more information contact


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