Tribes Alive returns to the city streets

Fancy an exciting living history journey through the heart of medieval Galway? And one which offers an authentic and fun insight into the city’s rich cultural heritage? Then don’t miss Tribes Alive!, an enchanting 60-minute dramatic walking tour through the winding medieval streets of Galway’s Latin Quarter.

Presented in an engaging and humorous way, the tour in association with Failte Ireland returns for an extended run after a successful pilot last year and will again take participants on an enchanting journey back in time. Written by Paraic Breathnach, directed by Rod Goodall and featuring local actors, the tour will visit nine of the city’s most historic landmarks including Blake’s Tower, Kirwan’s Lane, St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, The Hall of the Red Earl and Spanish Arch.

With up to two performances per day and private tours available by arrangement, this unique tour based on historical fact and humorous observation brings to life great Galway stories, larger than life Galway characters and historical Galway events. Don’t miss it.

Looking forward to the re-launch of Tribes Alive, Fiona Monaghan, Failte Irelands Head of Operations, believes the initiative will give a great boost to the City, and said:

Advance booking though not essential is available through the Discover Ireland Centre, Forster St, Galway; or book online at Tickets also available from Galway Arts Centre 47 Dominick St and Lally Tours Office Forster St. ** Tour concludes 15 September. For more information visit or e mail

Tickets €10* (*Accompanied U-14’s free ). Tour departs from outside Blake’s Tower, near Jury’s Inn, Quay St. 2.30pm Mon - Fri until Fri 9 Aug; and then 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tues to Fri & also 2.30pm Sundays ‘til Sun 15 Sept


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