New minister for Galway United Methodist Presbyterian Church

Helen Freeburn BA Lth has been ordained and installed as minister to the congregation of Galway United Methodist Presbyterian Church.

Rev Freeburn was born in Tullamore, Co Offaly, and grew up in Newcastle, Co Dublin. She holds a degree in French and scholastic philosophy, and after graduating worked for three years in youth, peace and reconciliation work. She then moved to France and completed a theology degree in Aix-en-Provence, before returning home and working as a pastoral assistant in Lucan Presbyterian Church, Dublin.

Following studies for the ordained ministry in Union Theological College, Belfast, Rev Freeburn enjoyed three years as the assistant minister at Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church in Lambeg.

Some of her interests include French language and culture, dance, theatre, and performance art. She and her husband Dave are very much looking forward to living in Galway and to serving and ministering here.

Rev Freeburn was ordained and installed as the minister of Galway United Methodist Presbyterian church on Friday June 28.

Galway United Methodist Presbyterian Church Service is a diverse multi-cultural community reflecting a variety of Christian traditions and backgrounds. The community meets at 11.30am each Sunday and invites all to attend and join in the worship.


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