Cambus Medical introduces ‘Universe’ of opportunities to Galway students

Ireland’s need to develop as a knowledge-based economy has been well publicised in recent times with technology companies across various industrial sectors in Ireland continuing to drive exports and long term economic recovery.

Supporting this need at a local level, volunteers from Cambus Medical, a leading developer and manufacturer of technically advanced components for minimally invasive medical devices located in Spiddal, Co. Galway in association with Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI ), is nurturing the educational needs for future generations of primary and secondary school children, across Galway city and county.

Junior Achievement Ireland’s synergy with Cambus Medical works in partnership to complement the work of the Irish school systems by recruiting, training and managing business, engineering, and science volunteers to work with students and to inspire and motivate young people to make the most of their education.

‘At Cambus Medical our ethos is always on our people, and we are extremely fortunate to be able to attract and retain such a talented and experienced team of professionals, across various specialist disciplines providing the skills to compete very effectively in global markets. Therefore, investing in our future generations, through programmes like Junior Achievement Ireland, is a project we are delighted to be a part of,’ commented John Farragher, co- founder and a Director of Cambus Medical.

Reaching out to 9.3 million young people worldwide each year, Junior Achievement helps to create a culture of enterprise within the education system. Assisting young people prepare for the world of work, Junior Achievement provides them with skills in communications and financial literacy, along with science and maths skills - where Cambus Medical has become an industry leader.

Cambus Medical has partnered in the Junior Achievement Awards since 2010 and the 2012/2013 school term reached out to more than 160 children in this period alone, incorporating several schools including; St. Vincent’s Primary School Coolarne, Turloughmore, Colaiste Chroi Mhuire and Scoil Einne, both located in Spiddal, Scoil Sheamais Naofa, Barna and Scoil na Forbacha, Furbo.

Speaking of the programme, Raymond Fogarty, Area Manager of Junior Achievement Ireland, Western division says: ‘I’m delighted that Cambus Medical has continued to partner with Junior Achievement on this project which is now in its third year and that their staff, have given their time to benefit school children in Galway. They are teaching enterprise and science skills to the students and using practical examples to show them what happens in the working world, at Cambus Medical. The programmes delivered by Cambus volunteers are ‘Our Universe’ delivered to 10-12 year olds which explores science and engineering in a fun and exciting way while “The Economics of staying in School” for 12-14 year olds demonstrates to the student the economics of continued education.

The feedback from both the students and the teachers involved has been excellent and they like having a business volunteer visit their school, to show them the opportunities that are available to them when they complete their education.


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