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Two is better than one

A note on hearing by O’Neill Hearing Care in Knocknacarra.

Two ears work naturally together to give us the ability to locate and isolate one specific sound.

Experiencing the quality of balanced audio perception depends upon hearing the sound as nature intended - through both ears.

One ear working less effectively than the other can have a significant impact on your daily activities. Hearing with one ear is like trying to see with one eye - its possible but not as effective. To enjoy true balanced sound perception, both ears must be receiving evenly. Without such equality our brain is presented with incomplete information.

When hearing with both ears, the brain can dampen background noise, placing it out of focus and providing the freedom to choose what you want to listen to. So, depending on your hearing loss, you may not have to work as hard to hear effectively in certain situations. This will also reduce the risk of auditory deprivation to the other ear. Two ears work together to enable us to locate and isolate one specific sound over others. A smoother, more natural sound quality is apparent when both ears are working together.

Even if hearing loss is mild, binaural hearing devices can provide valuable and significant improvements. With improved ability to hear correctly, stress is reduced and you will experience a relaxation of listening effort.

With both ears providing input, less amplification may be required to achieve a comfortable listening level.

Hearing equally from both sides means you will be capable of responding accurately and confidently, regardless of where and when the conversation occurs.

For more information contact O’Neill Hearing Care, Knocknacarra Medical Centre, Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra on 091-862220.


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