At Hayes and Hayes Pharmacy, Portumna’s centre for cosmetics, get advice from Tracey, Tina, and Angie on the correct use of self-tanning agents. Products include St Tropez, Karora, Cocoa Brown, and Tantastic.
To use these effectively, awareness of the effect of these agents on skin is required. Most products contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA ), a substance that reacts with the epidermis to darken the top layer of skin. A skin test is recommended as some skin tones react more than others; hence the bright orange effect. Apply the agent at least two days prior to the occasion.
The outer layer of skin consists of dead cells that turn over every seven to 10 days; to ensure a maximum, even, tanning period of time, exfoliation with oil free exfoliants available at Hayes and Hayes should be used prior to the tanning agent. Pre-moisturiser is also recommended, particularly to dry areas such as elbows and knees.
The tanning agent should be applied to the lowest part of the body first, then moving upwards and allow to dry well. A little tip is to add bronzer to the collarbone and shoulders for a sunny glow.
Hayes and Hayes Pharmacy offers double loyalty points for June and July on these products. Hayes & Hayes Community Pharmacy & Opticians, Portumna, phone 0909 741025, email