.... Advertiser.ie - Where’s our voice on Lisbon?

Where’s our voice on Lisbon?

How long ago did we vote? Um, was it the summer? Yeah it was. And already the inevitable has happened. By this time next year Ireland will have have voted on Lisbon 2 - pretty much an an exact replica of the treaty we already voted ‘No’ too.

It was hardly unexpected. But the issue now is not so much the content of the treaty, but the health of democracy within the EU and here at home.

The Irish people have rejected this treaty and yet here it is again, back at the door, like a hungry beggar who won't leave unless he gets some bread. The Triumvirate of FF, FG and Labour will once again push hard for a Yes vote and their legal assurances should pull the ground away from the more extreme, fear mongering elements and their claims of conscription and mass abortions. 

But how will the Yes side sell the thing? Last time around it, too, relied on fear to push the treaty through. What it needs to do is somehow verbalise why voting Yes on a complicated legal document will benefit this country. But what's more likely is: "If you don't vote Yes, we're going to be kicked out the EU door."

A scary thought indeed. I voted Yes last time around because I believe in the EU and how good it’s been for Ireland but the majority that voted said No. And I accepted that. The EU, and the Government didn’t. And they’re not going to accept what we say until they get their way. What about our voice?


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