.... Advertiser.ie - Macnas set for new home

Macnas set for new home

Artistic group off to Westside

Tonight’s City Council meeting could push forward plans for Macnas to move to a new home in Westside.

That’s according to local Labour councillor Billy Cameron who is pushing for the city’s most successful artistic company to make the move to the Westside.

Macnas has been operating from the former Hunter’s Factory, now owned by NUIG, and in temporary marquees in the Fisheries Field but it will shortly know as to where its future lies.

Cllr Cameron said, “This is the type of Christmas news that the Westside of the city and Macnas needed. As a member of the Recreation, Amenity and Culture SPC, I have long campaigned for a new home for Macnas and am absolutely delighted with the good news.

“This will be the jewel in the crown in the overall development of the Corrib Park Community Area and a huge asset to the youth of the Westside whom I have no doubt will engage with the company who are noted for their spectacular and exciting street parades and performances. Teenagers of a non sporting disposition will be immediately attracted to something as vibrant and exciting as Macnas.”

Macnas has also been using the Galway City Council’s administrative offices in the Blackbox and the council identified as the rear of the Black Box as another possible site for the group

But with the Headford Road Framework Plan council bosses have decided the Westside site is best, according to Cllr Cameron.

He added, “The site is approximately 1.4 acres. It is situated to the rear of Dunnes Stores and the Westside Enterprise Centre , looks out on the Corrib Park Community Area and lately had been looked at as a future Traveller Hard Stand along with other sites throughout the city. The Macnas development will complement the already proposed development of the park which is going to Part VIII planning in the very near future and includes a full size soccer pitch, an all weather pitch, floodlighting, UEFA mini pitch, playground, paths, public lighting, car parking, planting and drainage.”

“The site will allow Macnas develop a modern workshop including access road and car parking facility as they are already in receipt of an Access II grant of €470,000. The site could also provide for future possible development should further funding become available.”

“I cannot express my delight more for John Ashton and all the company of Macnas.”

The proposal will be approved tomorrow and will go forward to the planning office.


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