Closing date looms for Culture Night applications

Groups, individuals, and organisations wishing to host an event for Culture Night in September are being urged to make their applications as soon as possible.

Application forms and now available and closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday July 12.

Those interested in organising an event in the city should contact James Harrold in City Hall on 091 - 536400. Those wishing to host an event in the county should contact Valerie Kavanagh or Marilyn Gaughan in County Buildings on 091 - 476512. See also

Galway Culture Night takes place on Friday September 20 and will involve street performances, music, dance sessions, exhibitions, film screenings, and cultural trails. Some funding for events is available.

The Galway County Council will also be adding an initiative, Galway Village of Culture, for the most innovative and inclusive programme of culture night activities from a town or village in County Galway


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