Galway farmer joins up as farmers take to the twitter machine

Farmers Feed Families has announced that Larry Maguire, a goat farmer from Galway, will take part in a new initiative called Tweeting Farmers.

Tweeting Farmers, which was launched last week, is an attempt to highlight the important efforts and experiences of Irish farmers via Twitter, as they tweet regularly about life on their respective farms.

From his farm in Gurteen, Mr Maguire will be tweeting about the day to day life of an Irish goat farmer. He owns and runs the Galway Goat Farm which supplies goats milk to Galway and the surrounding areas.

The central idea of the initiative is that every Monday morning a different farmer from somewhere in the country will take over the @tweetingfarmers twitter account and inform the public about what is happening on his or her farm, the day to day running and decision making, and the challenges and successes he or she must face each week.

The aim of the project is to educate consumers on the Irish farming products they purchase as well as to promote the quality of Irish produce direct from the farm from which it was sourced. For those who are not Twitter users, it is still possible to follow the daily farming tweets by visiting the organisation website www.farmersfeedfamilies/tweetingfarmers This is the first of many planned projects organised by Farmers Feed Families, which was co-founded and run by Cavan organic dairy farmer Anne Brady, and Canadian animal welfare graduate Jessica Zaffino. Their organisation is still on the search for more Irish farmers who wish to take part in its tweeting operation.

“Farming is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle,” says Ms Brady. “Like Twitter, a farmer is always ‘on’ and we hope Tweeting Famers will highlight this. Irish farmers work extremely hard and produce food of exceptionally high standard and this is something we all need to appreciate.”

Any farmers who would be interested in becoming a Tweeting Farmer should contact the Farmers Feed Families website.

For more information on the organisation, visit the Facebook page or the Twitter page


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