Hair dye and your health

A number of scientific studies in recent years have linked chemical ingredients in personal care products to adverse health effects. International studies cite the ingredients in hair dyes as contributing to the incidence of certain types of cancer. Sourcing chemical-free hair colour and cosmetics has led Simply Natural, an Irish owned company, to bring Naturigin organic based hair colour to Ireland. It is paraben and ammonia free. Parabens (a preservative linked to breast cancer ) are present in most hair colour brands. Ammonia is widely known to thin the hair.

Naturigin is just as effective as other home hair colour products, but with far fewer potentially harmful ingredients. “Women need to be more aware and responsible for what chemicals they are routinely putting into their bloodstream,” says Catriona Coyle, MD of Simply Natural. “If you colour your hair as often as I do — every four weeks — you should be ensuring you are introducing as little chemicals as possible into your body.” Drinking plenty of water helps wash the toxins out.

Aluminum-based compounds are used as the active ingredient in antiperspirants. These compounds form a temporary plug within the sweat duct that stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface. Some research suggests that aluminum-based compounds, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and cause oestrogen-like (hormonal ) effects. Because oestrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer. With this in mind, Simply Natural now supplies an aluminium free deodorant called Kiss My Face. “The cucumber fragrance deodorant smells divine,” Ms Coyle said.

Pharmacies and health stores across Ireland are embracing Simply Natural’s ethos and products by choosing to stock more natural alternatives. In order to ensure you always get the best advice, Simply Natural’s range is only available in good pharmacies and health stores.


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