Sinn Fein to hold public meetings on property tax

Galway Sinn Fein are holding a series of public information meetings accross the city in relation to the property tax. The next of these is being held tonight Thursday May 23 at 8pm in the Galway Resource Centre, Westside.

The party opposes the property tax being introduced by the government as part of its austerity measures to help tackle the country’s debt burden.

Sinn Fein is of the view that it is ‘simply unrealistic’ to expect homeowners to be in a position to pay the extra tax, which they refer to as the ‘family home tax’, on foot of other government cutbacks, and as many are undergoing serious economic hardship in the present climate.

There is a significant feeling of opposition toward the tax, with many seeing it as ‘unfair’ on taxpayers, an opinion shared by Sinn Fein.

Mairead Farrell of Galway City Sinn Fein explained the party’s position: “This family home tax comes after five years of austerity which as seen € 28 billion in cuts. These cuts have largely fallen on the ordinary tax payer who will struggle to pay this unfair tax.

“It comes at a time when 180,000 homes are in mortgage distress, the notion that these homeowners will also be able to pay the property tax is simply unrealistic.”

For more information about the meetings, contact Mairead Farrell at 00447716315429.


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