Galway Contact is a voluntary organisation that assists older people who may feel lonely and isolated. Its volunteers extend their courteousy, a friendly face, and a supportive voice to the older people in Galway. Every visit is different and organised on a one-to-one basis. Galway Contact is very aware of the need for confidentiality and sensitivity. All of the volunteers are Garda vetted before they start their visit.
"We do not go knocking on doors looking for visits, all of our visits are requested by various people, ie, public health nurses, social workers, etc, or older people contacting Galway Contact office directly.”
One spokesperson said: "We are in touch also with other agencies working to support older people and it is important that we stay in touch with each other. In addition to our visits we also organise a number of other outings throughout the year for our members and they will have the help and support of their volunteer for the day. We have a morning club every second Friday in Arus De Brun. Our organisation also makes applications re Seniors Alert Scheme for Older People living alone and who may have poor health and maybe feel afraid.”
If you need further information on the Galway Contact Organisation, phone the office on 091 527581 or e-mail