Soul music comedy film for Bealtaine

THE SAPPHIRES, starring Irish actor Chris O’Dowd, and telling the tale of a mother and three aunts who form a soul quartet, will be screened in the Town Hall Theatre.

This is a joint screening between the Galway Film Society and the Bealtaine Festival, and is specifically, although not exclusively, aimed at older members of the community.

The Sapphires are four Australian Aboriginal women, discovered in an outback tavern by Irish talent scout Dave (O’Dowd ). With a sharp ear for honey-tinged voices, he convinces the girls to switch their act from country and western to r’n’b.

The Toronto International Film Festival said: “O’Dowd would nearly steal the show - if it weren’t for the sparkling presence and irrepressible charm of his co-stars. The Sapphires is a gem of a film - and be sure to stay for the closing credits for some final fun surprises.”

The Sapphires will be preceded by Unheard, a short drama about a young musician who is losing her hearing. It is directed by Carla Maria Tighe.

The screening takes place in the Town Hall Theatre this Sunday at 8.15pm. Tickets are available from the Town Hall on 091 - 569777 and


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