GAC creative writing classes

THE GALWAY Arts Centre will host creative writing classes with two of Galway’s leading writers - Kevin Higgins and Susan Millar DuMars.

Daytime creative writing classes with Susan Millar Du Mars, starts on May 13 and runs for eight weeks, each Monday from 2pm to 3.30pm. The classes are suitable for beginners and continuing creative writing students in poetry or fiction.

Poetry workshops with Kevin Higgins start on May 14. Classes are Tuesdays (7pm to 8.30pm ) and Fridays (2pm to 3.30pm ) and are open to complete beginners and those writing for some time; while Thursdays (2pm to 4pm ) is the advanced poetry workshop.

The cost for each class is €90/80. Places are limited and advance booking is advised through 091 - 565886 or info@galway


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