International and Irish experts on gastronomy, and specialists in the food tourism and hospitality sector, will gather in GMIT next week for the first major symposium on gastronomy in the west of Ireland.
The event will take place at GMIT’s Dublin Road campus on Thursday May 9.
An exciting line up of topics will be discussed and debated including best practice in food tourism, the effect of diet on depression, policy around genetically modified food, fishism, traditional Irish food on Irish restaurant menus, language training for the hospitality sector, and good practice for farmers’ markets.
Speakers include Bord Bia’s marketing director Una Fitzgibbons, award-winning restaurateur JP McMahon, Caoimhe Ni Dhuibhinn of Fáilte Ireland, Perry Share of IT Sligo, Hans Wieland of The Organic Centre, Irish Angler magazine editor David Dinsmore, Izaskun Zurbitu of the Spanish Embassy, and GMIT lecturers Colin Gilligan, Anne Brindley, Maria Conboy, and Ulrich Hoeche.
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