Online Marketing in Galway presents JCI Galway and Marketer Dave

Online Marketing in Galway’s (OMiG ) next meet up session is taking place on Monday next April 29 at 7pm in the Harbour Hotel, Galway.

April’s event is kindly being sponsored by JCI (Junior Chamber International ) Galway and Olivia Hayes, president of JCI Galway will be guest speaker on the night alongside David McGinley aka “Marketer Dave” a freelance marketer based in Galway. Both speakers have unique and exciting presentations prepared for the event.

Olivia Hayes of JCI Galway will start off the event by giving a presentation entitled ‘JCI Galway - Get Involved and something a little different". Ms Hayes’ presentation will focus on JCI Galway’s activities; in particular two of its key projects for 2013, the Friendly Business Awards and the Galway Young Entrepreneur (GYE ) Awards.

Ms Hayes has worked in a wide variety of business and marketing related areas including client service, sales and marketing, web content management and search engine optimisation (SEO ). More recently she has begun to expand her IT skills by studying for a Masters in eCommerce at NUI Galway.

David McGinley “Marketer Dave” will then give a talk on ‘What not to share - The pitfalls of social media’.

Mr McGinley is a graduate of NUI Galway, where he completed a degree in business, followed by a Masters in Marketing. He has worked with many companies (including OnePageCRM and NUI Galway ) in running and helping their social media accounts grow. He is therefore well placed to talk about the pitfalls of social media and what not to do. David will also be giving some tips on how to recover if problems do arise from your current social media strategy.

Registration to this event is open and free. Registrations are now live online via evenbrite. Links to registrations will be made available through the OMiG website www.Galway, and will also be announced on all OMiG social media channels right up to the event.

Why the group was set up?

— It keeps marketers on their toes, the mind focused and with the speed at which the internet changes it is important to keep on trend.

— As a group it has noticed that there are so many businesses in Galway and throughout the West of Ireland that are just not making the best out of free/low cost tools on the internet such as Foursquare and Google places and Online Marketing in Galway was created as a place where they can centrally check this.

— Online Marketing in Galway was set up in August 2011 as a network for local marketers and businesses in the West of Ireland to share knowledge and best practice techniques for marketing and increasing awareness online.

— Marketers and internet enthusiasts alike are always encouraged to get involved in the group either by leaving messages for the group moderator or by starting a discussion on the groups Facebook/LinkedIn wall.

— OMiG has a new website with a lot more engagement coming in Q3 2013.

Preparation for OMiG’s May event is also under way. The event will take place on May 30 and is being sponsored by Marketo, industry leaders in the delivery of marketing automation software. A representative of Marketo will also be speaking at the event. OMiG are very excited to hear what this guest speaker will have to say Further details about this event are coming soon.


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