Galway Mountain Rescue Team to launch website and present awards this evening

The Galway Mountain Rescue Team will launch its new website and honour two of its members with Distinguished Service Awards at an event this evening.

The GMRT will hold the event in Kelly’s Bar, Bridge Street, at 8pm. The Distinguished Service Award, on behalf of Mountain Rescue Ireland, will be presented to Máire Ní Chuinneagáin and Alacoque O’Sullivan for their contributions on the hill and at base during callout operations.

The team will also launch its new website,, which was developed by Chris Tierney at Fable Interactive. The team hopes it will be a useful resource for hillwalkers and climbers in Galway and Clare.

The site has information on mountain safety and advice, route cards, links to relevant outdoor organisations. It provides information on the history of the Galway Mountain Rescue Team.


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