Declutter this weekend with recycling events in Oranmore and Gort with WEEE Ireland

WEEE Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical and battery recycling, is holding two free recycling events in Galway this weekend. The collection events, in association with Galway County Council, will take place in the following locations.

Saturday Apr 13 – Maree, Oranmore - Community Centre, 10am-4pm

Saturday Apr 13– Galway County Council Yard, Gort, 10am-4pm

These free WEEE Ireland events allow people to get rid of any household electrical equipment and batteries in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Anything in the home with a battery or a plug can be recycled at these collections. Waste collection specialists from WEEE Ireland will be there on the day to help you send your toasters, vacuum cleaners, fridges and every other electrical item imaginable to a better place.

This spring, why not make way for the new by getting rid of your unwanted electrical items easily with WEEE Ireland in one of the following ways:

1. Take part in a special FREE WEEE collection event in your area this spring. All e-waste can be recycled at these events including unwanted TVs, fridges, hair dryers and everything in between with a plug or battery. Please check for a full list of collection events in your area

2. If a collection event isn’t scheduled yet for your area, you can also bring your unwanted electrical items to your nearest civic amenity site for free. A full list of these locations is also available on

3. If you are planning on updating any electrical items in your home this Easter and spring, don’t forget how easy it is to bring back your now unwanted electronic goods to the same retailer. As a consumer you are entitled to bring your waste electrical equipment back to your electrical retailer when purchasing an item of a similar type, i.e. on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis

4. Waste batteries can be brought back for recycling to any battery retailer that sells similar batteries, even if you don’t purchase anything. Household batteries such as AA, AAA and button cell batteries can be brought back to your local supermarket, newsagent or discount store.

Car batteries can be brought back to your local garage or motor factors, and electric fence batteries can be brought to your local agri-store. Of course all batteries can be recycled for free at your local civic amenity site. WEEE Ireland has distributed 100,000 battery-recycling boxes to shops around the country so look out for these special blue WEEE battery boxes.


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