Janet’s Walk ‘Remembering Alan’ this Easter Monday

Durkan’s Gala store, Main Street, Louisburgh, is making final preparations for hosting Janet’s Walk on Easter Monday. The Durkan family has now dedicated this event to the memory of their son Alan, and Janet’s Walk ‘Remembering Alan’ will raise money for local charity Mayo Cancer Support Association at Rock Rose House. There is still time to sign up for this event which urges locals to get behind the initiative and walk, run, or cycle for this great charity cause.

Janet’s Walk is inspired by Janet Durkan, who has her own cancer story to tell, and promises not only to be a memorable day of fundraising, but also a day of fun and exercise to walk, run, or cycle off all that Easter chocolate.

The event will commence at 11.30am on Easter Monday from the car park in Murrisk, with refreshments provided by Durkan’s Gala. For those who want to sign up, sponsorship cards are available at Durkan’s Gala and Staunton’s Pharmacy. Durkan’s Gala will host an after reception, with all those participating welcome to attend. For further information visit Durkan's Gala Louisburgh Facebook Page


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