A glimpse into the heart of terrorism

THE 1970S was a decade defined, in some respects, by terrorism with the emergence of the Baader Meinhof and Brigate Rosse on the continent and the IRA and UVF in Ireland.

A new play by community theatre group ALâ, Days of Darkness, takes a look at that time and inside the heart and mind of a terrorist group. The play will be staged in An Taibhdhearc on Wednesday April 3, Thursday 4, and Friday 5 at 8pm.

The play takes the development of a Marxist revolutionary group from its inception to its eventual disintegration through betrayal and fragmentation. It dissects such issues as identity, religion, socialism, and nationalism in the context of the Northern Irish conflict.

It analyses the devastating impact of violence and seeks to remind those who have no recollection of war in Northern Ireland of what happened during the conflict.

Tickets are €10 and are available online at http://antaibhdhearc.ticketsolve.com, 091 - 562024, at the theatre box office, or in Holland’s Newsagents, Williamsgate Street.


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