Éigse an Spidéal 2013 festival

MARY BERGIN, Johnny Óg Connolly, and poet Nuala Ní Dhómhnaill are among those who will perform at next month’s Éigse an Spidéal festival.

A highlight will be the performance by Mary Bergin and Johnny Óg Connolly, of the newly-composed suite, written by Mary and Johnny and commissioned by An Gaelacadamh, entitled ‘Sruth’.

The performance takes place in the Park Lodge Hotel on Saturday March 9. Joining Mary and Johnny for the suite will be Máire Breathnach, Colm Gannon, Éilís Lennon, Jim Higgins, Yvonne Kane, Brian McGrath, Dearbhaill Standún, Gary O’Briain, and Plunkett Ó Tuathail. There will also be performances from Tommy Keane, Jacqueline McCarthy, and Pádraic Keane.

The festival opens next Wednesday with an art exhibition, entitled Ceathrar, in the Spiddal Library, featuring work by local artists Martha Williamson, Ruth Cadden, Ciara Ní Chualáin, and Kevin O’Kelly. It will consist primarily of sculpture and ceramics.

The festival will be officially launched on Thursday March 7 in the Park Lodge Hotel with a performance by An Gaelacadamh’s young sean-nós singers and the launch of an album of songs by the late sean nós singer Pat Phádraic Tom Ó Conghaile.

Friday 8 is Ardán na hÉigse, a monthly night run by An Gaelacadamh for composers of music, song, and poetry in An Tobar. The special guests will be Nuala Ní Dhómhnaill and composer Máire Breathnach. There will be an open mic for Irish language poets.

There are several events on Saturday 9; the sean nós singing competition for under 18s; Comórtas Cuimhneacháin Pheatsaí Uí Cheannabháin at 12 noon in Park Lodge Hotel; masterclasses with accordionist Paudie O’Connor and fiddle player Aoife O’Keefe in Coláiste Chonnacht from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

On Sunday there will be a guided walk in An Spidéal at 12 noon; storytelling with Diarmuid de Faoite in Coláiste Chonnacht at 12 noon; and the closing session and presenting of Laoch an Traidisiúin award in Tigh Hughes at 2pm.

For more information call 086 - 8104732.


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