Public lecture on the Tribes of Galway

Galway’s golden age was during the mediaeval period when 14 merchant families turned it into an international trading hub, but who were they?

Although the names of the ‘Tribes’, originally a derogatory term by Cromwellian forces, are familiar - Athy, Blake, Bodkin, Browne, Darcy, Deane, Font, ffrench, Joyce, Kirwin, Lynch, Martin, Morris, and Skerrett - the stories of these families is not as widely known.

However Galwegians wishing to find out more about the Tribes can do so at the Galway City Museum this Saturday at 2pm when local author Adrian Martyn will deliver a talk entitled Why is Galway the City of the Tribes?

The talk will examine the 14 families, their characteristics, and their impact on the development of the town. Admission is free but places are limited and must be booked in advance by calling the museum on 091 - 532460 or by emailing


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