New book on Chaucer from NUIG academics

GEOFFREY CHAUCER’S immortal Canterbury Tales is the subject of a major new book of essays, including contributions from NUI Galway academics.

Chaucer’s Poetry: words, authority and ethics, edited by NUIG’s Clíodhna Carney and Frances McCormack, both of whom lecture in Old and Middle English, has just been published by Four Courts Press.

Dr Carney also writes one of the book’s essays, How to say ‘I’: the Clerk, the Wife and Petrarch; Dr McCormack’s essay is By mouth of innocentz’: rhetoric and relic in the Prioress’s Tale; while NUIG’s Prof Richard Pearson writes the essay William Morris interrupted interrupting Chaucer.

The essays cast new light on the poetry of Chaucer and how his mediaeval stories still have much to say to 21st century readers.


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