Waiting list for Therapie’s weight loss tab

Therapie Clinic introduced a 100 per cent natural weight loss supplement earlier this year and has reported record demand, selling out of the supplement after only two weeks.

Capsiberry is 100 per cent natural and is particularly effective on stubborn, hard to target fat like belly fat. It also suppresses the appetite, raises energy levels and has the added benefits of boosting the immune system and improving overall well-being. Of course when combined with exercise the results are even greater.

The key ingredient in Capsiberry is Raspberry Ketone, an aromatic compound found in raspberries. World wide praise has included rave reviews from the well-known and respected Dr. Oz, the American doctor and TV host who said he “never imagined how powerful and effective it could be”.

Therapie Clinic Manager, Deirdre O'Dowd told us:“The results clients are experiencing are just incredible. We would only stock a product that is 100 per cent natural and proven to work and Capsiberry certainly as all these hallmarks. It’s literally flown off the shelves”.

Just two capsules a day is all it takes to kick start the body into burning fat and losing weight. Capsiberry is back in stock, available at Therapie Clinic on Shop Street or online at www.capsiberry.com Special offer, three for the price of two! Call 1890 650 750 for more info


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