Parish priest urges public to be the “eyes of the gardai”

A city parish priest has urged the public to become the “eyes of the gardai” in a bid to help communities protect themselves from robberies and attacks.

Monsignor Malachy Hallinan, the parish priest at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Westside, told worshippers at Sunday’s evening Mass to be vigilant and to look out for their neighbours.

He appealed to parishners to note suspicious activity or movements and the registration numbers of vehicles causing concern. He said he had done this in the past and it had proved fruitful.

He also called on the public to look out for older people and “keep an eye” on neighbours’ houses when they went to Mass or attended events such as weddings or funerals.

He said if everyone is on the alert and reports any suspicious incidents or concerns to the gardai we will have a safer country.

Monsignor Hallinan’s comments come amid growing concern over the spate of robberies taking place countrywide in recent months.


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