Not Squares @ Róisín Dubh

THE CURRENT burst of musical creativity in Northern Ireland has produced a host of exciting new bands these past few years, among them Belfast’s Not Squares.

Although comprising just a drum kit, a synth, and a bass, the ‘Norn Iron’ trio are, as God Is In The TV webzine said, like “Animal Collective gone mad‘n’bad”.

While Not Squares’ music also reveals an obvious debt to LCD Soundsystem, they have learned well from James Murphy about how to make techno/electronica appeal to the indie/alternative crowd.

This is achieved by never forgetting that what is key, indeed more important than the beat, is that the music must work as song. The rock element is never far away, as synths compete for space with powerhouse drums and bass guitar playing which switches effortlessly between pop-funk and aggressive post-punk riffing. There is also a real spark of originality about Not Squares which augurs well for the future.

Not Squares play Strange Brew at the Róisín Dubh on Thursday January 24 at 9pm. Check out their debut album Yeah OK.

Support is from Adultrock. Tickets are available at, from the Ticket Desk at OMG, Shop Street (formerly Zhivago ), and The Róisín Dubh.


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