Western Family History Association to shed light on researching long lost American family links

The Western Family History Association will hold its annual general meeting next week, and the event will feature information on finding long lost relatives in the US, along with the relaunch of the association’s library.

Finding long lost cousins in America is a stirring experience and particularly so in 2013, the year of The Gathering. It requires a lot of delving through American sources on family history, family papers, and connections. Michael Kelly of Ardrahan recently located a cousin in America, and his discovery featured on the RTE programme The Gathering. His new-found relative will be coming home for a family reunion this year. Mr Kelly will discuss his experience of tracing his family history at the AGM.

The AGM will be held in a new venue this year, in Lackagh Parish Centre (beside Lackagh Museum ) on Wednesday January 16 at 8.15pm.

The association will also relaunch its library of books on family history and genealogy — which is available to members — at the event. Space has been allocated in the Lackagh Parish Centre for the collection.

The existing store of books was greatly expanded in 2012 by the generous donation of the late Aodhagán O Rodhaighe’s collection by the O Rodhaighe family. Mr O Rodhaighe was a former chairman of WFHA and much admired for his deep interest in books, family history research, archaeology, and scholarship. This donation adds significant wealth to the existing store of knowledge in the library and will be valued greatly by the members. Other donations to the library were also made in 2012 and these have greatly increased the value and content of the collection. The significance of the items within the collections will be explained by Bríd Higgins of the Western Family History Association.

The association looks forward to seeing new people at the AGM and always welcomes new members. Membership costs €30 a year. For further information on the Western Family History Association and benefits of membership visit www.wfha.info or contact chairperson Sean Flanagan at 091 799258.


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