Do you fancy yourself as a good yarn weaver? Then why not pen a fictional piece and enter it in this year’s Doire Press international fiction chapbook competition. The top ten shortlisted candidates will have their tales included in an anthology as well as receiving 75 copies of their own professionally edited and printed chapbook from the Doer Press publishers.
The resultant chapbooks will be perfect-bound manuscript of up to 40 pages. They will have a colour front feature, back covers, and their own ISBN and barcode.
The deadline to submit your story is January 9 and entrants are limited to writing short stories of maximum 3,000 words for a €10 submission fee. Additional entries are capped at €8 and the Doire Press Bertie includes a Payola payment service which entrants can avail of. E-mail submissions carry a €1 printing charge per entry and posted entries should be sent to Doire Press, Aille, Inverin, Co Galway.
Judging in this competition will be Celeste Augé. Miss Augé is an NUIG graduate where she earned her MA in writing. She was awarded the literature new writing prize for fiction award at the 2011 Cúirt festival and is a two-time winner of the Lonely Voice Competition run by the Irish Writers’ Centre. She was short-listed in the Henry Literary Award and was highly commended in the 2011 Seán Ó Faoláin short story competition.
Entries must be completed with a cover page including your contact information and title of the story. Entrant’s name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript. To read a full list of competition guidelines or to make an inquiry, e-mail or visit the Doire Press Bertie at