Support COPE by quitting smoking for the New Year

Galway-based company Progressive Living is offering its quit smoking therapy free to COPE Galway staff and clients in a bid to kick-start New Year resolutions to give up cigarettes.

So far a number of staff and clients from the outreach support and homelessness charity have signed up to the company’s Quit Smoking Pal programme, which is based on gradual reduction and involves using a specialised patented nicotine blocking technology along with personal coaching. The course lasts six weeks and includes once-a-week coaching sessions.

The usual price for this is €395, however every individual who signs up to the Progressive Living Quit Smoking Pal course will receive a €50 discount, and an additional €50 of the fee will go towards the charity.

“Homelessness is always dreadful of course but at this time of year it’s particularly depressing and devastating,” said Progressive Living’s Fiona Linnane, a qualified clinical hypnotherapist. “Cigarettes are so expensive these days that it makes sense for anyone who is struggling with money to focus on such an unproductive expense.

“And of course, in addition to that, stopping smoking benefits everyone’s health — which is why we have the COPE Galway staff involved too.”

The Quit Smoking Pal therapy is a two-step process. Step one involves dropping blocking fluid NicoBloc (made from safe food-grade ingredients ) into the cigarette’s filter. This lessens the effects of the tar and nicotine by restricting it gradually.

The second step of the programme is one-to-one coaching, including the use of special software and a ‘smokelyzer’ which allows people to measure their lung carbon monoxide levels as a way of monitoring their progress. Smokers also keep a daily record of their smoking patterns to identify possible triggers.

The programme has evolved from the Rosen Stop Smoking Programme, which enjoyed a 60 per cent success rate in helping smokers give up the weed for good.

For anyone looking to sign up on the course in January the price will be €345 instead of the usual €395, provided COPE Galway is used as a booking reference.

To find out more about Quit Smoking Pal and Progressive Living visit or phone 086 4454550.


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