Nolan hits out at cut in library funding

Cllr Nuala Nolan has hit out this week at plans to cut the funding for new books for Galway’s libraries by €150,000, despite an increase in the number of people now availing of library services.

According to Cllr Nolan the funding for Galway City and County Libraries has been cut from a proposed €200,000 to just €50,000. She described the cut, which was implemented to divert funds to Galway Airport and water services, as “totally short sighted”.

“This money should have been taken from another source rather than the libraries,” she said, adding that as a lifetime user of the library service, she finds it “unbelievable that such a move could have been backed by county councillors who are there to represent services for the public”.

“Latest figures for the uptake of libraries service shows that the funding for 2013 should have been ring fenced,” Cllr Nolan added.

“Genealogical research services the Country Library offers could have been increased with this funding. Overseas visitors when researching their family trees find local libraries their natural first port of call. If we are serious about The Gathering then we must increase research facilities.”


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