New course to help writers at work

HAVE YOU got pages of a story, novel, play, poetry in a drawer you have been wanting to show someone, and get some solid advice and feedback on?

If so, check out Writers At Work, a special kind of creative writing course, with Susan Millar DuMars in the Galway Arts Centre.

This course is for people at work on a project. Each week participants will read two 15 page extracts from another student’S manuscript and prepare a 20-30 minute discussion on the same. In-class writing exercises will serve to shake off mental cobwebs.

Susan has written two poetry collections, Big Pink Umbrella (2008 ) and Dreams For Breakfast (2010 ), and the short story collection Lights In The Distance.

The course begins on Tuesday January 22 and will run for 10 weeks. Classes take place from 2pm to 4pm. The cost is €120 with a concession rate. Places must be booked in advance through the Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street (091 - 565886 or )


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