Java Writers launch new collection

THE JAVA Writers group, who meet every Tuesday’s in Java’s café on Abbeygate Street, will launch an anthology of their poetry and prose tomorrow.

Infusions - an Anthology by Java Writers will be launched by the poet and short story writer Susan Millar DuMars in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop at 6.30pm.

The anthology features a diverse range of work from Fiona Scoble, AP Kenny, JG Lacey, Flish McCarthy, Duana Sala, Margaret Brady, Bern Butler, Phillipa Maguire, Bernadette Whyte, Lorna Moynihan, Ann Flynn, Yvonne MacEvaddy, Evelyn Parsons, and Fleur Finlay.

There will be a wine reception and readings from the book. Admission is free and all are welcome.


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