FF to hold public meetings on CAP in Glenamaddy and Maam

There must be no reduction in funding for the Common Agriculture Policy and The Taoiseach must use his position as incoming EU president to ensure funding is not cut.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil agriculture spokesperson and Galway West TD Éamon Ó Cuív, who will hold two public meeting in County Galway on CAP reform and the challenges facing Galway farmers.

Dep Ó Cuív will be joined by Galway East TD Michael Kitt and representatives of all the major farming organisations for a meeting in Glenmaddy Community Hall next Monday. The following Friday, December 7, Dep Ó Cuív will host a meeting in the public hall in Maam, Connemara.

“We want to consult farmers in Galway and across the west of Ireland about the major challenges they are facing at this time,” he said. “These meetings will provide an opportunity to address the concerns of local farmers, many of whom are extremely worried about what’s coming down the line.”

Dep Ó Cuív said there needs to be fairer distribution of the CAP budget and that smaller farmers are given proper support by the Government and by Europe to keep their businesses open.


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