Understanding the diverse range of career options at the Careers Fair in Claregalway

Whether you are looking to explore new occupational fields, embarking on a career for the first time, or are just curious about other industries, the Careers Fair in the Claregalway Hotel on Monday December 3 will leave you empowered with a greater knowledge on the different areas of work.

Starting at 10.30am and finishing at 3.30pm, employers from some of Galway’s most vibrant enterprises, as well as representatives from recruitment agencies will be present to answer all your inqueries about their line of work. Among the companies that will feature on the day include EA Games, CPL Recruitment, Medtronic, and Home Instead. The major educational and training institutions will also be represented and delegates from NUI Galway, GMIT, and the Galway VEC also expected to attend the event.

The number of employees in the Galway branch of EA Games is steadily climbing to capacity with the creation of some 300 employment vacancies. Among the roles where recruitment will take place include customer support representatives, management roles, training, IT, and others. More details regarding an acquisition of one of these jobs can be obtained at www.jobs.ea.com or by speaking to a representative of EA at the Galway Rural Development Careers Fair.

Galway Rural Development serves the unemployed and low income earners by offering them various assistence strategies as well as practical hints and advice on how to regain employment. Adrian Feeney, an unemployment mediator from GRD, and Back to Work Employment Allowance officer Michael Burke will be at the Carers Fair to explain the provisions of these particular GRD services. Other organisations who support those searching for work will also be present on the day including the Deptartment of Social Protection, West of Ireland Networking and Galway Executive Skillnets, Galway Volunteer Centre, Gaeilge Locha Riach and Galway County Council.

Speaking on the upcoming Careers Fair, Elaine Quinn, LCDP team leader, Galway Rural Development, spoke about what employment seekers can hope to gain from such events as this. “This event provides an informal setting for job seekers to meet potential employers as well as training and education providers. GRD personnel will provide attendees with information on supports and training options which benefit the unemployed also.”

There will be seminars on how to compose a CV, how to prepare for job interviews, and what to do in order to network your way to a new career. There is no admission charge to attend these seminars and they will be conducted by experts in that domain. If you have secured an interview and are looking to enrich your approach to interview preparation or are just keen to learn the methods for readying yourself for interviews then these seminars will be of critical importance to you. Valuable tips and advice will be given during these seminars but spaces are limited.

The Claregalway Gaeltacht district is a new area under the responsibility of Galway Rural Development Company under the Local Community and Development Programme. Its primary objectives are to assist people who are unemployed or low income earners and to increase their job prospects through training, education, and support. One of the aims of this event is to provide support to people who are seeking work, be they recently made redundant, long term unemployed or a recent college graduate who needs direction in acquiring work.

View www.grd.ie for more information.


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