Super8Shots Film Festival

THE SUPER8SHOTS Film Festival, a celebration of the 8mm film medium, style, and process, returns this weekend.

The festival, which was launched yesterday evening, starts with The Wonder Years, in the Town Hall Theatre studio, where archive 8mm footage from Galway and Ireland will be screened on Friday at 8.30pm. The footag will feature Salthill and Silver Strand in days gone by, and the Cathedral not long after it was erected.

Saturday plays host to both a Super8 masterclass in shooting and processing in Le Petit Rouge at 2pm and the Film Competition in Town Hall Studio at 8.30pm. There will be a sound installation composed of samples of Super8 Film running in Bell, Book and Candle until the end of the month.

Tickets can be purchased at Town Hall Theatre 091 - 569777 or See


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