COMBINING CLASSICAL, jazz, rock, blues, and folk is usually referred to as prog rock, eg, Yes, ELP, King Crimson, etc, but sadly that style of music has got a bad name. Hence a new approach - Groove Theory.
Groove Theory is the title of a concert, organised by Music for Galway and the Irish Baroque Orchestra, which takes place in the Seapoint Ballroom, Salthill, on Thursday November 22 at 8pm.
The concert, part of a national tour by the IBO, is named after a piece written by jazz violinist/composer Hollis Taylor and inspired by String Theory. It is scored for baroque strings, percussion, and harpsichord, and comprises four movements - ‘Trip the Light Fantastic’, ‘Blues for Terra Incognita’, ‘Quantum Jitterbug’, and ‘Gravity’s Tango’.
String Theory is the current attempt to provide a ‘theory of everything’ explanation for our universe, which claims that all matter is composed of tiny vibrating strings. These strings are the smallest possible building blocks of reality. ‘Groove Theory’ is Taylor’s theory of everything which claims that all music must “swing and dance and pulse and groove”.
The concert will also feature music by Hungarian and Romanian composers Ignac Ruzitska, Janos Bihari, Antal Gyorgy Csermák, Jozsef Kossovits, Mark Rózsavolgyi, Gabor Mátray, and Jozsef Bengraf.
Tickets are €20/16/6 from Music for Galway (091 - 705962, ), Opus II, or