Capturing village life on camera in one day

An exhibition will open on November 17 in the Enjoy Cafe, White Gables in Moycullen at 6.30pm to showcase the photos of the One Day project. All money pledges on the night will be donated to Sonas, the local group for the elderly in Moycullen.

One image will be selected from the photo display to put on a Christmas card in time for the festive season. All the photos from the exhibition will be uploaded onto the Moycullen community development office website to give visiting tourists a flavour of the local culture. The project was inspired by a concept in the National Geographic magazine and was organised as part of Heritage Week.

The objective of the occasion was to take a photo that would best encapsulate village life in Moycullen. Twelve photographers of both a professional and leisure standard were designated to a local individual or business where they would take the photo that would eventually enter into the contest. The participating properties and residents in the One Day project included the Moycullen nursing home, the White Gables, local farmer Tommy McDonagh, and local artists Brian Bourke and Jay Murphy.


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