WIN Buddy programmes growing in strength

Following from the success of the WIN mentoring Buddy Programme, there will be a second evening held on November 7 from 7pm to 8.30pm in the Menlo Park Hotel under the continued facilitating efforts of Marie Devane of Devance Careers.

Through this programme, WIN (West of Ireland networking ) members will team up with fellow WIN members as part of a mentoring programme to introduce a more informal approach of peer to peer guidance and support through meeting on an informal basis. WIN members will act as a support for one another.

WIN members are also invited to ‘Bring a Buddy’ to WIN. This involves a current WIN member enlisting a non-member friend to go along to a buddy evening or a WIN session. At these meetings non WIN members are paired up with existing members as part of the Buddy programme.

The next WIN session will take place on Friday November 2 where the groups will work toward demystifying the world of technology products such as: notebooks; smartphones; best browsers; virus free solutions; fastest computer speeds, ergonomic solutions; cloud computing; and so on.

The session will be facilitated by Maureen Casey, managing director of Screenway Computing. She will provide a one-stop opportunity for existing and new WIN members to gain a better understanding of modern computer technology. Particpants will be able to find out what is available or how they can upgrade their own systems without having to trawl online or trail around the shops. Ms Casey will also introduce local suppliers offering you a personal backup service which will promote a buy Irish mantra as well as educate WIN members on all things technological.

Screenway is one of only two authorised Apple dealers in Galway. It has its own repair workshop which is certified by Apple to provide warranty and other repairs. Screenway is in business about 10 years, selling largely to the education sector but also to many small businesses. Currently Screenway is the sole supplier of Apple to NUI Galway, UL, many of the ITs, and is an ever increasing supplier to secondary schools across Connacht with the iPad in the classroom project.


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