Business lunch for Mayo Association

Muintir Mhaigh Eo, the Mayo Association Galway, will hold its inaugural business lunch in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, on Friday October 26.

The event aims to provide a unique networking opportunity for those who support the business community and for businesses based in Galway city and county.

Members of Government-funded and sponsored bodies, the hospitality industry, the accountancy and legal profession, media and sports organisations, academic institutions, the multi-national and the fisheries sector will attend.

Guest speaker on the day will be Mr Joe Gilmore, managing director of Ireland West Airport, Knock, who will provide an insight into the success of the airport to date, while discussing its positive impact on the region along with its future plans.

Mr Declan Marley, chairperson of the cssociation, said businesses will benefit from the meeting.

"We are very enthusiastic about the high level of interest received to date and are hopeful of a large turn outon the day. I feel that many businesses, especially young entrepreneurs, would benefit enormously from an event such as this, given the broad spectrum of organisations that will be present at the lunch.”

The cost per person will be €30, which includes a three-course meal and wine. Tickets are available by contacting Monica Heneghan 08709306028, Declan Marley 087-2601093 and Bernard O’Hara 087-2424579.


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