Green roadshow heads west to help businesses cut costs

Galway businesses will be given a helping hand to reduce costs and improve resources at a free roadshow in Galway on November 1.

Businesses will meet State support organisations with representatives from, Bord Bia Origin Green, Repak - Prevent and Save, Green Hospitality Programme, Sustainable Authority of Ireland, Local Authority Prevention Network, Allupro and Smile Resource Exchange who will be in attendance at the event.

These agencies will present and give advice to businesses on how they can cut costs through better resource efficiency – particularly targeting energy, waste and water costs. They will also advise on free services available to businesses that will help them implement these cost savings.

Maurice Bergin of the Green Hospitality Programme, says: “This is a great opportunity for SMEs who are trying to cut back on costs to meet with Government agencies and get advice on how to do this. We received great feedback from our spring roadshow with many companies beginning to see their costs reducing already.”

The roadshow aims to introduce businesses to the concept of reducing their costs through good environmental awareness and resource efficiency.

It will also identify to the businesses the support available through various state and local agencies in achieving these reductions, generally free to the business.

The workshops will address key opportunities in reducing energy and water consumption and minimising landfill waste and better resource efficiencies.

Mr Bergin says attendance is free and any business that is concerned about the rising cost of energy, water, waste or raw materials is urged to attend.

The BeGreen National Roadshow, organised by Green, will take place at the Carton Hotel, Galway on November 1. The roadshows are supported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ) and the Small Firms Association.

To register businesses can log on to and follow the online instructions.


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